Thank you

THIS IS THE PLACE wouldn't have been possible without the collective effort of the year group. Students have been incredibly involved with the design, organisation, and fundraising of this show. Our thanks go out to them for all their hard work.

Design team

The THIS IS THE PLACE identity has been designed by

Sophia Cimelli
Laura Sheridan
Bradley Sansom

Web design

Bradley Sansom

Catalogue design

Laura Sheridan
Faye Byrne

Social media and motion design

Sophia Cimelli

Portrait photography

Eia Hopkinson
Olivia Bullock

Web content team

Eve Pemrick
Grace Parnell

G.F Smith photography

Tian Khee Siong

Fundraising team

Adomas Lukas Petrauskas
Annie Pugsley
Bibi Lola Lewin-Sanderson
Dan Hughes
Eve Pemrick
Evie Sonnentanz
Grace Parnell
Kian Repsys
Rhys Gibbons
Roxy Luke
Teodora Bracau
Tianna Seniunas

Staff team

Adam Griffiths
Andy Ellison
Dan Dobson
Fern Baxter
Graham Jones
James Wrigley
Jo Roy
Johnathan Hitchen
John Rooney
John Walsh
Katie Jones
Lucy Vann
Susan Platt
Will Albin-Clark


Anita Reynolds
Carlotta Luke
Dylan Luke
Geoffrey Sanderson
Jane Hughes
Jeannette Cimelli
Joanna Roy
Mark Royle
Nick Hopkinson
Phil Reynolds
Rachel Edwards
Stephen Cimelli
Steve Dicks
Sylvie Bullock

Print auction donors

Abbie Knipe
Alex Middleton
Anna Brightmore
Anthony Burrill
Art of Football
Craig Oldham
Dinamo Typefaces
Erik Kessels
Giulia Saporito
Jack Dean
Jess Lee
Lucy Harmony Grimes
Maisy Summer
Matthew Steele
Micah Purnell
Ra Bear
Sky Dair
Stanley Chow
Studio Dotto
Tang Teaching Museum
Textbook Studio
Timea Balo
Tom Steeles

External partners

Andrew Byrom
Anna Berbiela
Anna Lomax
Bruce Asbestos
Christoph Grünberger
Creative Conscience
Dalton Maag
Dylan Yamada Rice
Emmi Salonen
G.F Smith
It’s Freezing in LA
Jim Williams
John Walsh
Johnny Hardstaff
Kate Dawkins Studio
Little Brown
Macguffin Magazine
Manchester Poetry Library
Martin Lorenz
Muir McNeill
Natural History Museum
Pali Palavathanan
Paperboy Magazine
Rajane Dal Bello
Riccardo De Franceschi
Rice and Gold
Richard Turley
Sky Dair
Special Collections Museum
Spin Studio
Studio Dotto
The Onlii

Special thanks go to Tony Walsh, the creator of the 'This is the Place' poem, owned by the Forever Manchester charity.